A C++ library for solid state physics
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
\NsolidSOLIDstate namespace
 oCBaseStateBaseState for HilbertSpace base
 oCBinomialsClass for handling binomial coefficients
 oCBaseStateNumberConverterConverting BaseState into Number and vice versa It uses combinadics – Combinatorial number system
 oCEigensolverClass, which only job is to find ground state (QuantumState) and its corresponding energy for given QuantumSystem
 |\CSparseSolverOptionsClass for handling options for sparse matrix diagonalization procedures
 oCCanonicalEnsemble: Canonical (int L, int N) with: L – sites N – particles
 oCIEnsembleInterface for Ensemble class
 oCEnsembleEnsemble parent class
 oCGrandCanonicalEnsemble: GrandCanonical (int L) with: L – sites
 oCParityGrandCanonicalEnsemble: ParityGrandCanonical (int L, int parity) with: L – sites parity – parity Sector (even or odd number of particles)
 oCSectorInformation about number of sites and particles in the sector
 oCFactoryProduces stuff
 oCChainChain (IGeometry implementation) class
 oCIGeometryInterface for Geometry class
 oCGeometryGeometry parrent class
 oCRingRing (IGeometry implementation) class
 oCIHamiltonianInterface for Hamiltonian
 oCOperatorParent class for Quantum Mechanical Operators
 oCKitaevHamiltonianKitaev Hamiltonian implementation
 oCTermsEnabledTerms enebled in Operator
 oCHilbertSpaceHilbert Space class for state enumeration within the Sectors (Sector)
 oCArgvParserSimple argv class
 oCInfoStatic Info class
 oCStandardMessagesClass for showing miscellaneous information
 oCTimerStatic clock class
 oCVersionConstant char* about solid version
 oCLaboratoryStatic methods for measurement
 oCMatrixElementFillerStatic class, which fills the QuantumSystem matrix elements
 oCIOperatorParametersInterface for Observable class
 oCObservableObservable parent class
 oCParityOperatorImplementation of the ParityOperator
 oCParticleNumberOperatorImplementation of the Total ParticleNumberOperator
 oCParametersClass for Parameters storing for generating IHamiltonian, Observable
 oCParametersCheckerClass useful for debugging of the Parameters
 oCDynamicsScheduleSchedule for the dynamics (uniform time step)
 oCMeasurementScheduleSchedule for the measurment
 oCQuantumDynamicsQuantum Dynamics class
 oCAdiabaticSolverAdiabatic Solver header
 oCIQuantumDynamicSolverQuantum Dynamic Solver interface
 oCRK4Runge–Kutta forth order method (RK4) for solving differentional equations
 oCSolverSwitcherSwitcher for QuantumDynamicSolver
 oCQuantumStateTemplate class representing Quantum State of the system
 oCQuantumSystemGeneral purpouse class for solving quantum systems
 oCITermInterface for Terms class
 oCTermsEnumConverterStatic class for converting TermEnum into ITerm implementations
 oCTermsTypeConverterClass for translating labels (e.g M, V) into TermsTypeEnum
 oCCreatePairTermFermionsClass describes pairing term for Fermions particles
 oCHopTermFermionsClass describes hopping term for Fermions particles
 oCOneBodyInteractionTermFermionsClass describes one body interaction term for Fermions particles
 oCOneBodyInteractionTermSpinsClass describes one body interaction term for Spins particles
 oCTwoBodyInteractionTermFermionsClass describes two body interaction term for Fermions particles
 \CTwoBodyInteractionTermSpinsClass describes two body interaction term for Spins particles