Class TriangulationSettings
A helper class for configuring triangulation parameters.
Inherited Members
Namespace: andywiecko.BurstTriangulator
Assembly: .dll
public class TriangulationSettings
Name | Description |
AutoHolesAndBoundary | If set to true, holes and boundaries will be created automatically depending on the provided ConstraintEdges. |
ConcentricShellsParameter | Constant used in concentric shells segment splitting. Modify this only if you know what you are doing! |
Preprocessor | Preprocessing algorithm for the input data. Default is None. |
RefineMesh | If true refines mesh using Ruppert's algorithm. |
RefinementThresholds | |
RestoreBoundary | If true the mesh boundary is restored using ConstraintEdges. |
SloanMaxIters | Max iteration count during Sloan's algorithm (constraining edges). Modify this only if you know what you are doing. |
ValidateInput | If set to true, the provided InputData<T2> and TriangulationSettings will be validated before executing the triangulation procedure. The input Positions, ConstraintEdges, and TriangulationSettings have certain restrictions. For more details, see the manual. If any of the validation conditions are not met, the triangulation will not be performed. This can be detected as an error by checking the Status value (native, and usable in jobs). Additionally, if Verbose is set to true, corresponding errors/warnings will be logged in the Console. Note that some conditions may result in warnings only. |
Verbose | If set to true, caught errors and warnings with Triangulator will be logged in the Console. |