1 About me
In my free time, I actively work on Burst Triangulator, an efficient Unity Delaunay triangulation package with support for constraints and refinement.
Additionally, I develop PBD2D, a physics engine for two-dimensional soft-body simulations within the Unity Burst compiler.
I value minimalism and simplicity in both design and code, striving for efficient solutions.
My primary interests include:
- Simulation
- Game Physics
- Computer Graphics
2 Projects
A single-file package which provides Delaunay triangulation of the given set of points with constraints and mesh refinement.
To view the documentation for the manual and scripting API access it online
As an illustrative example, we present the triangulation of Lake Superior with various refinement parameters.
The top-left image shows the result without any refinement.
Open the image in a new tab to see the details.
Unity package for Position Based Dynamics in two dimensions.
The package provides an implementation of position based dynamics (PBD) using HPC# (via Burst compiler) including
extended position based dynamics (xPBD),
shape-matching, and various collision algorithms with a basic friction model.
There are also upcoming features regarding one-dimensional structures (rods) and fluids with soft bodies coupling.
See online
3 CV
3.1 Education
During my academic career, my research was primarily focused on quantum mechanics in the context of solid-state physics, particularly Majorana zero modes, and quantum computing, specifically quantum annealing. I collaborated extensively with Professor M. Mierzejewski's group, Dr. B. Gardas's group, and Dr. A. Ptok's group. As a result, I successfully published several papers. Below, you can find a table summarizing my educational progress.
Degree | Year |
Ph.D. degree, thesis: Majorana Modes in one dimensional systems with many-body interactions 🇵🇱, awarded with distinction, supervisor: Prof. M. Mierzejewski, co-supervisor: Dr. Bartłomiej Gardas. | 2020 |
Ph.D. in physics, Wrocław University of Science and Technology. | 2018–2020 |
Master Degree, thesis: Dynamics of disordered quantum annealers 🇬🇧, awarded with distinction, supervisor: Prof. M. Mierzejewski. | 2018 |
MS, Theoretical physics, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland | 2016–2018 |
B.Eng., Engineering physics, thesis: Numerical methods in quantum nanowires 🇵🇱, awarded with distinction, supervisor: Prof. M. Mierzejewski. | 2016 |
Inter-Faculty Individual Studies: Engineering physics and Computer science, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland | 2013–2016 |
3.2 Conferences
List of the most significant conferences I attended to.
- Mini-symposium on: Recent developments in the theory of topological systems, Lublin, Poland, 2019
- XIX National Conference on Superconductivity, Bronisławów, Poland, 2019
- Adiabatic Quantum Computing Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, 2019
- Majorana modes and beyond, MagTop, Warsaw, Poland, 2019
- 42th International conference of theoretical physics: "Correlations and coherence at different scales", Ustroń, Poland, 2018
- 26th International Conference on Atomic Physics: Summer School, Barcelona, Spain, 2018
- XVIII National Conference on Superconductivity, Krynica Morska, Poland, 2017
- Silesian cross-border workshop on applied physics, Ostrave, Czech Republic, 2016
- 40th International conference of theoretical physics: "Correlations and coherence at different scales", Ustroń, Poland, 2016
3.3 Publications
- D. Borselle, A. Więckowski, D. Patkowski, Evaluating suturing skill improvement for pediatric minimally invasive esophageal anastomosis model: an observational cohort study based on simulator training, Sci. Rep. 15, 7692 (2025).
- A. Więckowski, A. Ptok, M. Mierzejewski, M. Kupczynski, Efficient identification of Majorana modes in large tight-binding systems, Comput. Phys. Commun. 269, 108135 (2021). ariv:2006.10153v2
K. Jałowiecki, A. Więckowski, P. Gawron, B. Gardas, Parallel in time dynamics with quantum annealers,
Sci. Rep. 10, 13534 (2020).
ariv:1909.04929v2 - A. Więckowski, A. Ptok, Dynamics of quantum annealers – Ising model with transverse field study, Acta Phys. Pol. A 138, 686 (2020).
- A. Więckowski, M. Mierzejewski, M. Kupczyński, Majorana phase-gate based on the geometric phase, Phys. Rev. B 101, 014504 (2020). ariv:1909.10237v1
- A. Więckowski, S. Deffner, B. Gardas, Disorder-assisted graph coloring on quantum annealers, Phys. Rev. A 100, 062304 (2019). ariv:1903.07056v1
- A. Więckowski, A. Ptok, Influence of long-range interaction on Majorana zero modes, Phys. Rev. B 100, 144510 (2019). ariv:1910.00872v1
- A. Więckowski, M.M. Maśka, M. Mierzejewski, Majorana modes in interacting systems identified by searching for local integrals of motion, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 040504 (2018). ariv:1707.08125v2
- A. Więckowski, Majorana states in the Kitaev model with many-body interactions, Proceedings of the silesian cross-border workshop on applied physics, ISBN: 978-80-248-3974-5 (2016).
- A. Więckowski, Symulowane wyżarzanie problemu kolorowania grafu Unpublished, polish only
4 Teaching
During my Ph.D. studies, I conducted several classes, including:
See sub-page Teaching for more details.