Unity.Jobs support
Add triangulation to job pipeline
This package supports scheduling with Unity.Jobs. You can learn about the job system here. To schedule triangulation, use the Schedule
dependencies = triangulator.Schedule(dependencies);
Catching errors in the job
If the triangulation algorithm fails, checking the status and handling it in the job pipeline can be considered. For example:
private struct Job : IJob
NativeReference<Status>.ReadOnly status;
public Job(Triangulator triangulator)
status = triangulator.Output.Status.AsReadOnly();
public void Execute()
if (status != Status.OK)
var dependencies = default(JobHandle);
dependencies = triangulator.Schedule(dependencies);
dependencies = new Job(triangulator).Schedule(dependencies);
Generating input in the job
Input can be generated within a job pipeline. You have to use deferred arrays. Here's an example snippet:
using var positions = new NativeList<double2>(64, Allocator.Persistent);
using var constraints = new NativeList<int>(64, Allocator.Persistent);
using var holes = new NativeList<double2>(64, Allocator.Persistent);
using var triangulator = new Triangulator(64, Allocator.Persistent)
Input =
Positions = positions.AsDeferredJobArray(),
ConstraintEdges = constraints.AsDeferredJobArray(),
HoleSeeds = holes.AsDeferredJobArray()
var dependencies = new JobHandle();
dependencies = new GenerateInputJob(positions, constraints, holes).Schedule(dependencies);
dependencies = triangulator.Schedule(dependencies);