Class OutputData<T2>
A managed helper class that contains all native buffers for triangulation output.
Inherited Members
Namespace: andywiecko.BurstTriangulator
Assembly: .dll
public class OutputData<T2> where T2 : unmanaged
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T2 | The coordinate type. Supported types include: float2, Vector2, double2, Unity.Mathematics.FixedPoint.fp2, and int2. For more information on type restrictions, refer to the documentation. |
Name | Description |
ConstrainedHalfedges | Buffer corresponding to Halfedges. true indicates that the halfedge is constrained, false otherwise. |
Halfedges | Continuous buffer of resulting halfedges. A value of -1 indicates that there is no corresponding opposite halfedge. For more information, refer to the documentation on halfedges. |
IgnoredHalfedgesForPlantingSeeds | Buffer corresponding to Halfedges. true indicates that the halfedge was ignored during planting seed step, false otherwise. Constraint edges to ignore can be set in input using IgnoreConstraintForPlantingSeeds. |
Positions | Positions of triangulation points. |
Status | Status of the triangulation. Retrieve this value to detect any errors that occurred during triangulation. |
Triangles | Continuous buffer of resulting triangles. All triangles are guaranteed to be oriented clockwise. |